I am stumped for my canned date this year, GO-bama 2008. He is going to be good at our coontry in a lot of ways. One of it is that he has a nice wife and I think she will help to raise his son as the next president. He overstands far-in policy and the Middle Ease: it is where he is from! I am also confidential about his abilities in baling out the ecoonomy. It is like being a lifecart for money, which is what I had wanted all summer long! Ha ha.
I am less excitable about the republicoons Jon mcCoon and Pallin'. He is old and kind of mad and what if he is dead? The other thing is Pallin is a woman and I do not know if I am comfortable with a woman and man who do not marry living in the same house.
Oh and school is OK. My teaches were not that excitable about my new cloves. One liked the swettervets. Otherwise I have been getting into this T-V, Nerds and Terds. It is a documentry about the most uncool and annoying people in the world in hischool. And also about some cool ones who have drugs and play bands. It is interesting how they are in some ways the same even though some are weird, because all are persons and teens with difficulty. My favorite part was when they said they were going to die-seck the cat, but my least favorite was they didn't really. I even brought out Peter to see.
So that is all of it now, my main thing is: get out a vote! there is the election on the left in my poll. Barac Coonbama (and Bidin') has our best internets in mind. I was suspishes when I heard that he was a Blacky because of the pugged, but he is not scary and smart. Also I heard he killed a baby but maybe it deserved that or is untrue. I am mostly ready for lower taxis for the little class because it might be hard to get into them when you are small. I am interested in all the debates to see if they will be able to say it before time runs out. There is not a buzzer so it can be hard to tell but I think Barac wins more. I hope you will make sure you are fredgistered to do votes and also make the right choice because the Cooniteds are not running theirselves.
Goodnight everywhere.