the pic is me and a Gobama we have.

I am still like Wow! When the T-V stations were deciding how the states would vote I did not know what would happen but the hollow-gram person from our future on C&N said that the T-V's knew what they were doing and it would come out ok and how they wanted. i know they are big states and take a while for everyone to color them in but still was i nervous! i could of shouted. i even did.
then it was the magic number! suddenly magicly he became president and mccoon lost his evil spirits (you could tell when he speeched). but still Brock will have to wait a few months and prepare for learning and saying the spell on the Bybal that will defeat Boosh forever. i have heard that it could be on the Cran this time because Boosh gets his powers from the bybal but i guess we will find out.
i want to take this minute to say i am proud of Blacky. even though Gobama is more like brown and smart, there are still ways they are the same. also he is not pugged. and maybe in the future little Blackys will see how they can be different too and change. it makes me very hoping for our coontree.
oh and in case you were onedering here is Blacky.

he is a pugged dog who lives in the next door.
i am happy to have the wealth spread round as long as i can keep my hard earned toys and none for peter. i hope he is %5 and i am %95. and i think our soljers should go to Afgan's Den soon because there is not much left in iRack and they could blow up and kill a lot more things if they went there. especially N.M.E.'s. also i am not sure what might happen to fetises but they have some time to move to canada before they are illeagle. and i fully support that gay people can get merried. actually ONLY gay people should get merried, if you are sad and want to then you should wait a while. i do not know why it is such a big ishue. maybe since the Great Depreshin' and other things in our coontree it is harder and harder to be gay? maybe they think merriage MAKES you gay but you don't have to be going in. or maybe merriage should only be with a gay person and an ungay person so they can help each other. i hope this year's selection doesn't make me have to coonsider other people's pinions more than i just did, it is kind of boring and hard.
the best part about this whole thing is that it is over! now i do not have to think about complicating things and i can rub it in lamby's face and other people's that i was right. and hopefuly Pallin' will still be on Saturday Nites Live. and Brock will get his own T-V at least once a year. so i guess i'm good.
oh also P.S.S.: i heard that people are going to protets at the fewnril of Grammabama. i think it is so nice of them to protets that she died. i hope God will listen.