Thursday, December 25, 2008


We are watching WOLLY and i am lifeblocking.

i like when he dances.
i like when the earth is dead.
i like when Bug is in the Twinky.  cute!  yum!
i like when WOLLY cant find his shoes in the morning.  been there!
oh no the red dots are after you!  run for it WOLL!  you should go a-woll haha.
i like EVE-A.  hot stuff!  she almost blasted WOLL right out of the water.  if only she had known.
then Bug gets blasted too but he is immortle.
then WOLL gets hit by polls.
EVE-A fixed a aerobicscube.  it did not show it but i figured it out that she did.
EVE-A died and WOLLY put lights on her.
Spacetime!  Guy said it was "final fun-tear" but it looked boring.  not even sad.
think i am done, i just want to watch.  maybe later i will let you know how it turns out.


Anonymous said...

i like how you changed the structure of your writing since it was a liveblog and not a general entry!

amanda said...

hey freddy! look at this man covered in gobamas!