here is a picsure of Keight but also me. she is my girlfred. her fool name is Keight Awesum and she lives in the I-Land. here is the let'er to explane how the deighting started.

it is going pritty good. she has a lot of my same up-in-yuh'ns. and it is nice to just have sumone who likes you even when you arnt impressing.
i do not even cair about Peters rogue trip. and didnt want to go anyways or even be askt. and he cant go on spring brake so their. he went with Liz but just felt sorry for him. he is in a picsure (BEFORE he spild all over the coffy.)

and MY bo-ty!!
i liked "Lite Hows". it explaned for egzample how Keight found me bc she was on her way. i would also realy like to have a litehows like that (with all the meers) so i could watch like Keight for egzample or maybe Blacky so i know hes not near bye. if i had it i would just have a meer for Smoaky so i could brake it and maybe it would kill him. acshualy i just relies'd that makes no sence. i am basicly giving up on knowing what happens. ecsept i thot it was cool when Jack told Dayvid he has what it takes bc what is IT??? i cant wait to fined out necst time and theorise more.
and he probly was annoying and scaird in the car anyway! espeshly without me to make sure evrythings safe. but its good i gess that hes ok.
when J-Cub said sumone is cumming to the I-Land, i bet he ment water! it does it all the time so noone even thinks abt it ennymore. but i dont know how the water always finds its way their so maybe thats it.
the necst episoad is nearly on!!! i have to go aaah!!
1 comment:
I would have invited you but you were so busy talking to Keight that YOU DID NOT HEAR ME ASK YOU. Now that you are dating Kate you think you are too cool for school.
Also Peter found some coins here for you.
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