if anyones wondering why im wearing a swetter its b/c im cold. and if your wondering why im wearing Peters swetter its b/c its right here.
i have been watching a new TV show that i will tell you. its called MADMEN. MADMEN is about a long time ago and what they did then. Darn Draper is a "men" who does addfortyzing, which is when you think of argiuments for why something is good, like b/c babes like it. and then evryone likes it. Darn is a More-man b/c he has three wives. his one wife is the one with his kids. his necst one is a hippy whos friends cant afford to shave or wear nice cloves like Darn who always has a soot on even at night. his last one is from a dapartment store. it is called MADMEN b/c i dont really know why. it is like LOSSED. when i watch i feel MAD because i dont know whats about to happen!
i have also been reading a new book. it is called Ketchup In The Ry. it is about Holdin. Holdin is smarter then evryone. he knows they are fonys (like how when someones on a fone it is fake b/c it is just their voice). he has a hat like my hat acshualy.

Holdin doesnt care what anyone thinks, not even his sister. he thinks about a field with lots of bread in it and how there are lots of kids running around there near a cliff how he would help them. since i am a Lifecart i think it is good that he wanted to keep them from falling off. but also he didnt acshually do it. your suppost to think it AND do it. and not just wonder around in New Yourk all the time. you dont have to scrape words off the wall b/c who reads walls? and you dont have to worry about the ducks b/c ducks go and ducks come and who cares anyway.
maybe Holdin is acshualy a fony too. like maybe he doesnt keep the kids bloods from getting all over the ry bread (ketchup) b/c maybe he would fall off too (of the cliff). that is why i dont always jump in the pool as a lifecart when i see something moving and scary. but also b/c its just a leaf. and b/c its hard to swim when you dont realy feel like it.