here is my house! i have had it for a while. it is in a good low cation (bassmint). it came with some animals. but more impordantly, i have my own house! sumtimes Peter is there but usually he cant aford the rent. i am thinking of moving tho bc it is small and old (like a year). does anyone know of houses around? i dont know alot about realest 8. i want one that is big and cheap and nice and nayburs mind their own biznisses. also if anyone wants a new house mine is for sail for as much as my new house costs but a little more.
HOWL-O-WEEIN' is coming! it is when you become somebody else (or THING!)! and you get to go tricker-cheating which is when you are the tricker and you trick people into opening their doors. and you also trick them bc they dont know who you usually are. and they have to give you candy so youd better bring a big bucket! last year i almost couldnt carry all mine so i had to eat it while i was going. if you arnt a scairdy cat your supposed to trickercheat at night because Whats that sound?? and Thats just someone in a cost-tomb. you can trickercheat your friends bc if you scair them and they leave then their candy is all yours.
i wont tell you what im becoming for HOWL-O-WEEIN (its supposed to be a scairy supprize!) but i WILL tell you that youd better not do anything annoying or illeagle. id ask nicely but then i'd have to say puh-LEECE!
i am in a vidio on the INNERNET! its here: vidio. its of me and Liz at the Plague Round on a date. i know what your thinking but she knew theres a vidio of it. it went pritty well in my pinion.
resently was CLUMBIS DAY! Clumbis Day is when Cristifer Clumbis saled across the ocean blue in fourteen hundred 9D2's (boats). he was looking for sumthing spicy and he found it. a whole new coontree! he named the whole condinent North America after the coontree that was there, Unknighted Stay-soft America. why it is called that is misteerius. Clumbis brought all his pillgrims along and also Santa Claws's wife, Santa Maria. i talk about evrything that happened after that in my old blog, "Happy Indiepenance Day!", so go read that and then come back and read the rest of this one.
ok thats all for now.
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