i am thinking i want to put my munney in a hedge fun. i saw the movy OVER A HEDGE. its about a fearless racoon who gets a lot of foods from one side of the hedge (in peoples houses) and puts it on the other side of the hedge. he coonvinces evryone to help him and add more foods to his hedge. he also gets lots of new freds. so i think that would be good.
"what have you been up to this time freddy?" well hold your hoarses! first things first.
theres sno outside. sno is tecnicly when the sky (clowds) turns into the air and falls. sno is cold. and its always where you want to go. so your feet get wet. and you have to sit on top of people so they dont. and evryone takes forever to plao it away from the street but espeshialy from the grass. i dont like sno if you couldent tell. ecsept when you throw snoballs and no one thinks it was you and their cold. sno is funny sumtimes.
ugh i hate it when my compuder wont start!!! it turns on ok but its hard to open it's head. theres a little button you have to press and its hard to open. rrrr! marry listmas yea right!
i am finnishing an on-lyin class about the New Testimeant. its bc im not tecnicly done scool. but i am practicly. the New Testimeant is like the Old Testimeant but better: less pages and less dying and being slaves. and best of all theres Jezus. Jezus did some funny things. like some people were fishing and coudent catch any fishes and bc they were so dum Jezus made there boat almost sink with too many fishes. he also said a lot of things that dont make any cents. and i do that sumtimes. sum of my favrit things he says are the Whoas. like he says Whoa to you Fairerseas! for your, like, unmarked graves. and its a funny picsure in my head.
so thats Jezus.
i red today that the US ecoonomy is getting better bc gobama made sum jobs. i gess bc hes not doing his job he is letting lots of other people do it and thats helping.
since i werked at STARBUX for a wile heres my pinion of their new logo.
i think its good they got rid of the outer sircle so she dosent feel in jale. and its good the words are gone bc their boring. and theres oviously coffy rippling down her hed in S's from under her croun. and theres a star on it and you have to pay a lot of bux to get it so you know what it is alreddy.
ok im tired.
That's a scary picture of you Freddy!
This was a very enlightening post, Freddy. I really liked your assessment of the New Testament, that it's "like the Old Testimeant but better: less pages and less dying and being slaves.?"
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