(just sittling down for a bloggy morning!)
queschion: nock nock, whose their?
anser: MY FLOG!!!
in case you live under a rock, ive been FLOGGing for munths on end. FLOG means FRED LOG. hears my latist one wear i become prezident of evrything.
i like doing vidios insted of just werds bc then you can see what is hapening. and i dont have to tell you.
my FLOGs are famous alreddy. theyve been poasted on famous webcites like YOUTOO and FASEBOOK. and evryone pritty much watches them. theirs a lot of peeple on the innernet, sumtimes my vidios get more comments then i can count on both hands!! being famous is grate.
but enuff about me. a wile ago i saw Mel Glibsins movy THE BEEVER. in the movy theirs this guy whos having a hard wile of his life. his name is Beever. like he lives in a dumbster. then he meets Mel Glibsin and little does he know that evrythings about to change (his life). he starts bringing Mel with him evrywear he goes and talking thru Mel insted of just normal. pritty soon hes a Seaeaoh of a cumpany and has a famly. so its a happy movy realy. and neer the end he disapears misteriously, wating sumwear for his necst chance for a movy.
like i sed im the prezident so let me know if theirs anything you need from your coontree. but if its sumthing anoying like cat food then tuff noogys!
thats pritty much evrything for now.
1 comment:
Hi, Great information! Would you please consider sharing my link to your readers? Please email me back at haileyxhailey gmail.com.
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