this episoad had like no ansers. and ive had mearly a week for thinking. firsed what kind of animle is Jon? and how can he be an animle AND a people persin? is it bc of his shapeshrifting umbilities? maybe he just is? it is the problem with LOSSED and so frustrated that things arnt explaned. like why did sprinklers know to go RITE when Lock fell on the lawn??
the good thing abt this episoad was no keight. it is good bc i have like the hujist crutch on her. i rote her a letter (Keight, I-Land, 2007) saying how i did and how jack and soyer arnt good for her and could we get merried? she rote back!!!! real fast and said if i could find her we could get. so i tryed to male myself to her but i coudent afford the postij. (i had been drawing Prepayed logos on them but didnt know how to draw that big.) so sinse she wasnt in the new episoad i think it is bc she is trying to find me. it will be grate bc i know mearly evrything abt b-ing dainjrus and not scared and having prablems. and i could fics her.
wye do they call it Eazy Cheaze when its stuck in a can???! its way eazier to have just there! plus im so hungry!!
i lerned how to make a fase with the words. it is > B ( . the > is ibrows and the B is i's. and the ( is bc im hungry.
i think the thing with the canned dates on the woll with numbirds necst to them is inchresting. i think J-Cub gave numbirds just bc its eazier to think of who it is that way. bc i forget ppl's naims. like insted of Peter i could call him 2 and maybe rite it on him so i rimember. maybe on his 4head.
i think when Lock through the wite rock in the water it was an "in Saede joke" bc he was "casting the firsed stone" and rimember how Saede is Jezus?
i think Soyer should TELL Lock yes he is going to do it, but not AXUALY do it. and maybe even do the oposit. basicly he should lye. it is like when Lock (or ennyone realy) tells me to clean my room.
i saw Shaun Wite in the Alimbics but was not imprest. he coudent even keep his snobord from flieing up in the air! it made him flale around.
i think curling is the bessed sport bc no one wants to clean the ice but sumone has to. so i am greatful for there sacrafice and that i dont haf to even watch.
i think the Subastute is Ben as a teecher bc he didnt even know why the Others didnt take care of the coffy (duh, its bc if Ben will do it why would i?) let alone that he isnt a teecher, hes a Other. it could also be Lock bc he didnt know how to catch the blonned boy in the woulds. it mite jussed be Hurly bc he parct bad. the main point tho is that we all make missteaks, even if we cum back to life or live sidewise. so we are all Subastute kinda of. that is why no one on the woll was numbird 1. the problim is how do we fics things if not even time travle?? i think J-Cub has the anser and its tutching ppl.
i tryed to tell 2 abt LOSSED but that is pointlis.
necst episoad: Lite Hows. what if you have to gess what happens??