Wednesday, February 10, 2010

What Keight DOZENT!!!

this episoad was CRAZY!!! everything went and happened so fast!! it was like a nass car.

i think it is inchresting how, even when some things in their lifes are difrent, the LOSTys are still basicly the same LOSTys inside. like when the plain crasht Keight kild her dad. but when the plain didnt crash she DOZENT kil him but insted ran over Arse's luggij. it is like she had some feight but also some freewill.

i want to clame Peter!

when Jack tries to suollo the pill it is an illusion to the Matrics.

i have a new theerie. also here it is. i think that LOSSED is realy like a big puzzil. and there keep getting more and more peaces and it is realy compliceighted and you can figiure out liddle parts at a time but evenshually you figiure out some things and it makes more sense and by the end of Seizin' 6 most of the puzzil will be done! what are you thinking?

this episoad had so many ansers! like wear has Cleh been? and why does Soyer have a ring in a bocks in the floor? and what happens to the ring? and when will Hurly get finelly to be the leeder?

Blacky is alredy clamed probly.

i feel like they ansered pritty much evrything from LA X but mite not remember evrything. what a grate show!! it is alot better (to watch it) than a-plying to radscool!!


Luanne Leonard said...

Freddy, you CANNOT claim Peter! And Blackey is doing just fine!

Steve said...

Freddy do you think the temple people are good or evil?

Steve said...

Freddy I would also like to hear your thoughts on the 2010 Winter Olympics Opening Ceremony.

Unknown said...

Freddy I agree, I think there is some definite illusioning to the Matrix.

Oh my gosh, maybe they are all in it

this coons hit gold!!