happy Valianttimes Day! it is the day wear you have someone you like and likes you and you half to empress them so they still will. it has a lot of choclet hards and rows is. sumtimes you get hit with an airo and fawl in luv. luv is wen you get all weerd and shachey and spenned munny and try tuching sumone. it is like being ecsited about LOSSED but a pursin. sumtimes you get merried and then wear'd fun go?
the Alimbics are doin grate! it is wear evryone in the whirled cums tigether for one pieceful moment and trys to beet evryone. i liked the prezentayshin from Whales. it was sad to here about the Luzer. they had a minnit for him wear no one could think of what to say. i coodent either. i hope evryone in the Alimbics will lern from him and not go so fast. bc they ar still realy wizzin by. NE-waze practiss makes purfict so he is probly in hevin.
Steave, i think the tempil peeple are realy bad. bc the one guy Lenin had that song "imajin theres no coontrees." and that is just dum. and a jirk. and the forrin guy has a poynty beerd like Jaffar wich ujhuely means trubble. also they dround Saeed and as a Lifecart of a Pool i haf to say they wur not opsurfing propper prodacall.
tomoro is the necst LOSSED so i will right again soon what REALY happind.
furthurmor: why dint i get any valianttimes?!??!
You said you didn't get any valianttimes but then where did you get the rose in your picture? And why is it dead??
I like your picture Freddy. And you should have been the temple life guard. Who gave you the rose?
Freddy, your spelling has deteriorated! I think you need another year of college before rad school.
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