(dont get too close or who knows what ill do!)
STOP IT! in the spirit of the law!! you have the rite to remain cylons. Offasir Freddy at your sirvice! im still a Offasir but this pics from HOWLOWEEIN. i have a wokky tokky and a billowyclub and a baj a crook (Tigey). Peters my depiudy.

(rapporting for doody!)
he does whatever i say the law says. he has a crook (Cow) and the crook has a munney (Mister Bun).

(hes getting away with it Peter! thats good munney!)
on HOWLOWEEIN we cratched a party like cops do and evryone was under a rest. i got so much candy i dont even know what happened to it.
necksed was THANKSMAS which insidently i am thankful for. but who isnt thankful is the tirky. on the orijinal THANKSMAS the Engines were so thankful for the Pogroms that they gave them all their lands and scalps and the Pogroms were so thankful that they let the Engines gambol all they wanted and gave them permanent Rezervations which are hard to get sumtimes like weekends. anyway it is good that THANKSMAS is out of the way by No-Vember bc neckst is LISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
on LISTMAS your dreems come true. its what you wate and wate for all year. Jezus said its better to give, then recieve, so we give thanks on THANKSMAS and then recieve presence a wile later. here are some things i will get this year from him hopefuly.
- new lap top (mines furry)
- the cool vidio game DON QUIJONG where you get to throw bearils at a plummer
- the vidio TOYSTORE E3
- the vidio THIS PICKABLE ME!
- some cloves like a cholered shirt and a turdleneck swetter and nice suffisticated ones
- frys!
- a car
- a Whirled Piece (bc Jezus likes if you ask for it)
- a harebrush so i can have some cool doos like a fohok
- a book (dont care wich)
- ecsept it needs picshures
- a jeeny in a boddle
- the music seedy of JOK JAMS!
- all the aboves!
well i guess thats evrything for now. maybe i will make a new pole.
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